Jake awoke suddenly, feeling incredibly aroused and vividly recalling his rather strange dream. He reached down to rub his cock and felt a warm wetness as he did. His eyes popped open, the room was pitch black and all he could see was the clock that read 2:36am. He cursed to himself, got out of the bed and reached over to turn on the light.

He turned back to the bed and saw that the blanket and sheet had an obnoxious pool soaking into it. He pulled off his sticky clothing and tossed it onto the floor, standing naked in the room and wondering how he was going to clean it up. He figured there was bound to be a spare set of bedding somewhere in the barn but didn’t really want to leave the room completely naked, or in cold clothing soaked in his own fluids.

He cursed to himself and looked around the room for something to cover himself. A sheet, a towel, anything he could find. He looked through the closet but didn’t see anything except a handful of boxes and old tools. He glanced around again and spotted something hanging by the door that made his heart flutter. The slick black rubber suit.

Immediately thoughts of his dream rushed into his head. His cock sprang to full mast and he shuddered, recalling the vivid euphoria of his dream. He slowly approached the suit hanging on the wall. Jake thought about his predicament, reasoning that while he knew he shouldn’t wear it, he couldn’t walk around a stranger’s barn completely naked either. His brain was trying to be rational but at the same time justify the growing need scratching in the back of his mind to relive his dream.

He gripped the suit in his hands and felt that familiar tingle, although much more subdued, radiate in his hand. The smooth material felt as though it was gripping him back softly. He pulled the suit off its hanger and laid it on a dry spot on the bed to examine it better. It appeared to be a simple latex body suit. The arms and legs of the suit end suddenly at the wrists and ankles. He remembered the small zipper at the base of the neck and quickly found it.

As he pulled the suit open he smelled that sweet scent from his dream. The smell of rubber and sex flooded his nostrils and caused his already throbbing member to start leaking again. He held up the suit and started to work his legs into it. The rubber, although seeming to gently grip his bare skin, also seemed to glide over his legs with little effort and he found that it took almost no time at all to get both his legs all the way through the legs of the suit. The sensation of having his entire lower body gripped by the tight rubber sent another wave through the man, who let out an audible moan.

He rubbed his hands over his smooth rubber thighs, letting the pleasure wash through him. His mind was telling him to keep going so that he could get things cleaned up and taken care of but also because he couldn’t wait to feel the rubber caressing him in its entirety. He slid his arms into the sleeves easily and realized that the zipper may be a problem with his massive erection poking out of it.

Seeing as he had a task to complete, he reasoned he could deal with his throbbing problem afterwards and tried his best to tuck it into the suit. The rubber almost seemed to aid him in this effort, the slick interior holding his rock-hard dick in place so we could zip up the suit. The rubber tightening against his skin as he pulled up the zipper caused him to shiver in pleasure and once he reached his neck and sealed it entirely, the pleasure elevated even higher.

A soft moan escaped his lips as he felt a load of precum shoot from his now-trapped cock. He reached down to rub his member and although the latex was fairly thin and tight, he found that he could barely feel the outline of it inside the suit and even more faintly feel it in his dick. He looked down at his crotch and noticed something that he hadn’t seen before. Emblazoned on his groin, between his legs was a faintly glowing lock symbol.

“How did I miss that?”, he questioned to himself, wondering if whoever had designed the suit had somehow made the rubber thicker in that area to prevent the very action that he was trying to do.

He moaned again and gave his bulge one more futile squeeze before refocusing on his task. Now that he was ‘clothed’ he could go look for something to clean up his room. He opened the door and froze when he saw the horse drones, having completely forgotten they were standing outside his room. All thoughts of cleaning up his room vanished as he slowly approached the muscular rubber horse drones.

He approached one of the drones, WL-5197, and rubbed a hand over its muscled torso. “My god, what I wish you could do to me right now,” he whispered to the drone.
He slid his hand down to the drone’s groin and groped its large locked bulge, recalling his dream fondly. He was too preoccupied with the drone’s lower region to notice that a faint glow had started emanating from the eyes of the mask. He got closer to the bulge when he noticed the symbol seemed to shimmer and fade.

He watched in awe as the symbol seemed to click open and was suddenly hit with the intense smell of rubber as it erupted outwards. He stared, mouth open in amazement, as a massive rubber horsecock shot forward. Flashbacks of his dream and everything flooded back to him and lust overtook him. Before he could think about it, he greedily opened his mouth wide and took the rubber meat into his hungry maw.

The taste of the rubber on his tongue and permeating through his senses sent him into a sexual frenzy. He started sucking the engorged meat with an expertise he didn’t know he had. He was lost in a moment of bliss and didn’t realize the drone had placed its hand on his head and was guiding him, forcing more and more of its cock down deeper into his throat. He saw a slight movement behind him and turned to see that a couple of the horses had started moving too. One seemed to be moving toward his bedroom and the other was walking around behind him, both sporting massive raging erections.

He felt the one behind him start guiding him, reposition his body in a way where his ass was up in the air and realized what it was trying to do and became confused. He pulled his head away from the cock and turned to see the drone. He knew he had inspected the suit and that there was no rear access at all. He curiously reached around to his ass and felt around. Smooth latex greeted his fingers but he found something that he didn’t expect. Right where his hole was, instead of smooth latex, there was a stiff circular ring keeping his hole open and ready. He experimentally reached a finger into his needy hole. The faintest touch of the soft rubber sent a wave of pleasure through him and only he had a brief moment to recover before it was overpowered by an even more intense one.

Without any warning, Jake felt the drone’s massive rubber horsecock ram into his exposed hole. The poor man’s mind was lost in lust and found he could just sit there and moan loudly as the drone started thrusting in and out. Each thrust sends wave after wave coursing through him. At the same time, the drone in front of him took advantage of his wide-open, slack-jawed mouth and proceeded to shove its meat back into Jake’s throat.

Time lost meaning to the man as he was spit-roasted between the horse drones. Their thrusting fell into a steady rhythm that effectively washed away any thought Jake could muster. He was in pure bliss and could do nothing but hope it would never end. He felt the thrusting get faster and faster and his frenzied mind could only sit there and moan as he awaited what was coming next.

The drone in his mouth pulled out right before it came but the one pounding his ass thrust hard and deep. Both drones unleashed their loads onto and into the poor man. Jake felt like he could blow but couldn’t seem to be able to get himself over the edge. He felt the warm fluid filling up his insides and washing over his face and chest. He looked down, expecting to see the black shiny liquid from his dream but saw that this liquid was quite clear but still just as slick and shiny.

Without warning, he felt the rubber suit shudder all around him and he felt a sudden comforting warmth start to radiate within him. He felt so relaxed, all he wanted to do was just stand there and bask in it. He felt the rubber around him, feeling how it gripped his frame, caressing his entire body all at once. He didn’t notice, however, that the drone’s cum had all but vanished. It was as if it had been absorbed into the material tightly hugging his body.

The rubber began massaging the addled man’s muscles. Although he didn’t see it, his arms started growing, definition appearing in his shiny rubber muscles that hadn’t previously been there. The warmth travelled up his shoulders and down his back and torso. His back straightened as his chest and abs moulded into an almost perfect physique. He felt a tingling sensation in his hands and held them up in front of his face.

His half-aware, lust-filled brain stared in disbelief as the rubber around his wrists started to wiggle and flow up over his hands. He watched as his thin fingers were engulfed in rubber, reforming into larger, stronger digits to match his muscled body. He knew that it should have been impossible and half believed he was so out of it that he was hallucinating his newfound desire. He gripped his still-locked bulge with his thick rubber hand and became aware that he felt the same tingling sensation start in his feet.

Knowing what he was going to see still didn’t prepare him for it. The rubber washed over his feet and he felt an unimaginable tightness pressing in around them. He watched as the mass of rubber shrank down, compressing tighter and tighter until it was smaller than his foot had been initially. Seconds later the rubber finished smoothing out, leaving nothing remaining of his human feet. Now instead he had a pair of shiny black rubber hooves just like those of the other horse drones.

He slowly took a few steps forward, the thick rubber clomping loudly on the wooden floor. He couldn’t believe what he was experiencing and finally settled on the mindset that he was dreaming again. He rubbed his rubber fingers across his new body. The feeling of rubber on rubber rippled pleasure through him. He rubbed his hand across his chest and had a realization that the zipper that allowed him entry into the suit was missing, now just one solid piece of rubber enveloping, or rather becoming his body. He looked down and noticed the lighting on his chest…J4K-3058.

He stared at the ID shining on his chest and smirked, remembering that it fit him perfectly. It had represented him entirely and he accepted that it still did. He looked down at the lock nestled between his legs and ran his hand down his chest, down his thick, defined abs and gripped his bulge tightly.

Although he couldn’t feel himself groping his locked rubber bulge, he still felt a pleasant warmth coursing through him. He felt so aroused and yet also so relaxed. He stood there idly, sensually rubbing his bulge. He didn’t notice the other drone’s cocks receding back into a similarly locked state. He also didn’t notice that from the neck down he was now completely indiscernible to the other drones, identical in every way aside from the ID glowing on his chest. His mind was lost in a haze until he heard the sound of heavy hooves on the floor and a door open.

Jake turned to the door of the bedroom as it creaked open. He could see the horse drone from earlier walking back out, heading directly towards him carrying something. As it approached he realized it was carrying the horse mask he had stared into earlier. The drone walked up to him and stopped. He couldn’t pry his eyes off the mask. His body was frozen, lost in a sea of relaxation and anticipation.

The drone slowly unzipped the mask, pulling the flaps open. His breath quickened as he watched the drone turn the opening towards his face. Rubber and sex hit his nostrils again and he could only watch as the thick rubber mask was slid over his head. His vision blocked for only a moment before the mask adjusted itself slightly and his eyes settled into the lenses perfectly. He heard the zipper close and felt the mask tighten around his head as it did. It didn’t take long for the rubber around his neck to reach up to the seam of the mask, merging with it and sealing him inside.

He could hear his heavy breathing through the mask, each breath sending more and more of the rubbery musk into his brain. The mask lined up so perfectly that it was almost as if he was seeing from them, not through them. He looked as best he could at the massive equine muzzle protruding from his face. He slowly rubbed his hands along the length of the mask. He found it exciting that he could feel it as though he was rubbing his own skin. He felt around his new face and noticed that his mouth felt strange. He inspected it with his fingers. Instead of being able to feel a proper mouth, he felt a sturdy ring of latex holding his mouth open in a permanent O shape. He stuck a finger into the hole and felt incredibly soft and slick rubber. The sudden taste of his sexy rubber fingers hit his tongue and sent him into a sexual frenzy once again.

The rubber bulge between his legs throbbed painfully as he ran his fingers in and out of his new mouth. Without thinking, he also slowly reached down behind him, sensually tracing his fingers around the stiff circle around his ass. He slowly pushed his fingers inside, his thick finger rubbing against the sensitive rubber of his hole sending pleasure rocking his frame. He felt like he could cum right then and there but again, it just kept building. He looked around frantically for a way to find release.

Frantic movement in the reflective lenses of the drone in front of him caught his eye. He saw in the reflection nothing but another horse drone staring back while furiously fingering its holes. He watched as the drone pleasured itself, the display turning him on even more. He noticed the lights on its chest flicker and even in the reflection he could read it clearly…JK4-0358. Upon seeing his ID, he realized that the drone in the reflection was him and the pleasure elevated to the point where he almost passed out from sheer euphoria.



Jake’s mind heard the words, not realizing they came from his own mouth as he felt a powerful tingling sensation in his depraved groin. He looked down right in time to see the lock symbol click open. Euphoria washed through him as a massive rubber horse cock erupted out. Without so much as a second thought, Jake grabbed the cock and started pumping it furiously. He felt like he could burst at any second.

Without warning, right as he pounded down on his cock, his entire vision was blasted by the static and flashing lights from before. The man’s already breaking mind was quickly enthralled. His consciousness was washed away by his furious, now mindless, stroking and the lights flooding into him. The flashing lights beamed commands and programming directly into his very soul.
Through the static, he could see drones performing all sorts of sexual activities as well as words flickering across the screen….OBEY, SUBMIT, DRONE, OBEY, SUBMIT, DRONE.

He began to feel a growing urge to obey and a neediness to submit. He found himself wishing with his very being to become a drone. The words kept pounding into his mind and he found himself mindlessly reciting them as servitude and obedience burned away everything else. Each pound on his rubber cock cemented the programming further and further.




Without warning, the drone’s rubber equine cock tensed and unleashed a massive load of hot white cum. The unending orgasm burned through Jake’s altered form like a tidal wave and broke through whatever resistance remained of his mind. At that same moment, the drone programming overtook him and the new horse drone was complete.


JK-4358 stood there for a short while, wrapping up any processes running in its computerized mind. Its massive cock, now leaking clear rubber liquid instead of cum, started receding back into its groin, the lock symbol reappearing as it settled into a large rubber bulge. While it stood there motionlessly, the other drone that had entered his room saw the mess and set about cleaning it up as per its basic programming.

At the end of the night, the room was spotless. No trace of Jake remained in the barn and all the identical horse drones stood in line along the wall. All silent and motionless, their minds full of programming and pleasure.


Will came to check on Jake the next morning and saw that the room was empty and the man was gone. He was worried about the boy but figured he must have left early and didn’t want to be a bother.

As he stepped out of the room he noticed the drones alone on the wall and thought for a second that there were more than usual but quickly dismissed the thought. He didn’t spend enough time around them to really know for sure how many there were around the barn and sighed before walking out. It hadn’t been the first time he had thought they multiplied overnight and, if any other lucky soul wanders by…won’t be the last.

All Chapters

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