Repurposing and Rescuing – Ch. 2
Office Jake
The first weekend Jake met his Master to become ‘the gimp’ had been eagerly anticipated. Transforming himself into a rubber gimp had happened many times before, but this transition stood alone for Jake, whilst it was always exciting to descend into his alter ego in rubber, this transformation was both exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure.
Months of preparation had led up to this weekend. Gimp felt like he knew his Master, a feeling that he knew was reciprocated by his Master. Their relationship had grown in spite of having not met, instead their relationship grew online. One unremarkable, awkward, seeking message had triggered a relationship that grew and grew.
For years, Jake’s life had been split; between Monday to Friday he was an office worker, an existence characterised by early starts and brainless clerical tasks, firing off identical replies to identical requests. Within Jake existed another personality, another reality. This ‘other’ Jake bore little resemblance to the bland office worker Jake’s colleagues saw him as, at the office Jake was always smart, pleasant, polite; in many ways he was totally unremarkable. ‘Office Jake’ was entirely unsatisfied. It was this ‘other’ Jake that Master had unlocked and invigorated.
‘Weekend Jake’ was unrecognisable from ‘office Jake’. They existed in the same physical body, the same physical space but lived in a different world, a world alongside his work world, but unseen and untouched by it. Gone were chinos and shirts, replaced with black, skin tight rubber. Between Friday and Monday, Jake would live in rubber, sometimes layered, sometimes total enclosure, but always skin tight and shiny, seamlessly smoothing his features into the thing he saw himself as; a rubber object, a rubber gimp. An object that was to be used and owned. It was as this gimp, when all choices and freedom were voluntarily given up that he felt free. It was in submission that he felt alive.
That first meeting of Master and gimp would cement their relationship. It was to begin after work on a Friday, Master shared only essential and scarce details with Jake, mostly the plans lived in Master’s head, Jake knew what he had to, but little else. Since being informed of what was in store that weekend, Jake’s nerves grew wild with anticipation. He’d been given detailed instructions for what he would be expected to wear and when to arrive, there were no details of what would happen, or where. One thing was clear, it was Jake’s decision whether to go or not. If he did, if he made the choice to follow the instructions, he would comply with everything Master would expect of him; disobedience would be punished, submission would be total. It was what they both demanded of one another.
The Office
The days leading up to Friday had crawled by, each new day at work brought a diminishing level of interest in his office tasks, as more of Jake’s mind and body anticipated the meeting. Jake completed his work early when Friday finally rolled around, his eager mind easily accomplished what he needed to, as if on autopilot. Despite being at work, he’d barely thought about work all day, his mind was entirely focused on the evening. That morning Master had provided additional instruction – his destination to which he was to buy a single train ticket. He was to board the specified train with nothing but a black rucksack locked with a coded lock that had arrived by courier earlier that morning. Phone, keys and credit cards were all to be left behind.
Even though Jake had finished his work long before 5 o’clock, he wanted to be the last to leave. He waited for the office to empty, his colleagues trickled home slowly. Once they’d all gone home, Jake picked up a soft hold-all containing his prescribed travel clothes and headed for the bathroom. He unzipped the bag and felt his heart rate start to climb as the reality of what he was about to do kicked in. His rubber was first. He’d been instructed to pack his black rubber surf suit, it was this he pulled on first, stepping into it before pulling it up over his shoulders and closing the front zip. It was a favourite piece of Jake’s, readily worn under clothes, fitted him well and featured a cod piece and short crotch zip. Over the surf suit he pulled on a stinking and visibly filthy white t-shirt, Master had taken great delight ordering Jake to soil it with his sweat, piss and cum. It stank of Jake’s sweaty workouts and bore the stench and stains from weeks of accumulated piss and cum. Next came fluorescent orange high-viz worker trousers, fluorescent yellow high-viz waterproof jacket and vest. His socks were thick, white tube socks that he pulled up over the bottom of his trousers, before sliding them into grubby ankle-high worker boots. Finally he lifted a short length of gleaming heavy chain that was to be a collar out of the bag, the padlock was unlocked, and would lock by pushing it shut. Once shut, Jake had no means to unlock it and by locking it, he was committing to reuniting that lock with the key-holder – his Master. It was a simple first challenge for Jake, to take that first step towards exchanging power and submitting. Without hesitating, Jake placed the cold metal around his neck, nervous fingers pushing the lock shut. Jake caught sight of himself in the mirror, the transition had taken less than 10 minutes, but the image reflected in the mirror back at him was a world away from the Jake his colleagues knew. A white hard-hat and rucksack completed the outfit.
Jake grinned widely at his reflection. The zip of the jacket had been modified to prevent it from closing fully, something which would conceal the filthy t-shirt and rubber beneath, and so a small slither of rubber and chain collar was clearly visible above the top of the jacket zip for all to see. Still grinning at his image, he rolled his smart casual office attire into a clumsy ball that was stuffed into the now empty duffel bag, to this he added his mobile phone, smart watch and flat keys before zipping the bag shut. Taking just his office ID that he’d need to re-enter work on Monday, he left the duffel bag under his desk, before confidently strolling out of the office, to begin the short walk across town to the train station.
He arrived at the train station with a few minutes to spare and made his way to the platform to wait. He was no longer office worker Jake, to everyone at the station he looked like a regular worker, a builder or a highway worker. He loved how he looked and felt, taller, more confident and more alive.
The train was busy, filled with commuters making their way home, Jake stood for the 30 minute journey, his mind racing at the unknown that would follow the journey. He nervously kept an eye out for the destination he was waiting for, when the train rolled into the station he was quickly out of the packed carriage and onto the platform. As the train rolled away leaving him behind; he had no straightforward means to return home, he was cash-less, card-less and so very horny. His feet started to shuffle off the platform and towards a nearby hotel, his stride was not quite so confident now, his sweaty palms giving away the nerves within.
The Hotel
Jake had been informed a room was waiting for him at this hotel, and he should exchange the reservation in the pocket of his rucksack for a key. Transaction complete, he clutched the key in his sweaty palms and made his way to the room. Outside he paused briefly before timidly and silently sliding the keycard into its reader. Jake’s paranoid, anxious brain full of adrenaline tensed his body, half expecting a siren to ring out and TV camera crew to pounce declaring this to be an elaborate hoax to be enjoyed forever by a national audience. Seconds ticked by before the door’s lock clicked and the light turned green; no siren, no TV crew. His clammy hand gripped the door handle, pushed it open and entered the room. Odd. The room was totally empty, lights off – silent and dark. He’d received no instructions for what to do, or what to expect but an empty, dark room was not what he thought would await him.
Slowly he made his way in and looked around the room, glancing in the bathroom, examining the wardrobe, there was no-one. Nothing. He turned around to face the door and noticed a small paper note he’d missed on the shelf by the door. It simply said; “You have everything you need in the rucksack. The lock code is 5-6-7-8. Open and empty it. Strip to your rubber, make sure you are hydrated but do not use the bathroom. When I enter the room, I expect you to be in front of me, facing me, locked, kneeling down, hands behind your back.”
Jake set the bag down and hastily emptied it onto the floor. A blindfold, red ball gag, handcuffs, ankle irons and collar all joined by a short chain. Nothing Jake hadn’t used before. The difference here, the massive difference in fact, he had no keys to any of the restraints, they were all open, awaiting closure and locking. He had no idea who had the key, if they’d turn up or when. Jake paused, holding the cuffs, he felt another tidal wave of paranoia wash over his mind. Minutes passed by, his mind struggling to settle and rationalise this situation he had gotten himself into. He was snapped out of his inertia by his own reflection. He felt his dick twitch at the unfamiliar image, with that he started remembering the hours and hours he’d spent chatting with this person controlling him from a distance, and without pausing – almost on autopilot, staring at himself unblinkingly he began to undress.
Once he’d stripped down to his rubber layer, he filled a glass with water and thirstily emptied it. He repeated this twice more, he’d barely drunk all day. He picked up and inserted the bright red ball gag, feeding the broad black leather strap around his head, it was large but not uncomfortably so. Feeding the strap around and behind his head, he pulled it tight, feeding the locking pin into the nearest hole. After letting the gag sit for a few seconds, his hands found their way back to the straps and pulled them one hole tighter, this time feeding the small padlock through the locking pin and clicking it shut. He was committed now, leaving the room gagged would be another new experience for Jake, his dick was throbbing within his rubber at the thought of the public humiliation it would cause. Next were the ankle cuffs, one after the other he locked them tightly, the cold metal against his skin causing an intake of breath and an increase in his heart rate. He pulled on the blindfold and cinched the straps tight, cutting off his vision and plunging him into darkness. In the darkness, he quickly located the handcuffs joined to the locked ankle cuffs. It was surprisingly easy for Jake to complete this last step trapping him in that room. He clicked the cuffs shut before instinctively pulling his wrists apart to test his binds. Predictably, his wrists stayed locked in close proximity to each other, and to his ankles. He wouldn’t be standing anytime soon. He grunted in satisfaction at his work and then again at the dawning realisation of his vulnerability. He’d been there only minutes but already he felt himself beginning to drool and dribble uncontrollably around the ball gag, which was beginning to make itself known.
Now he waited, shuffling his weight from knee to knee in vain, trying to find a comfortable position that was becoming harder to find. The passing of time did little to how horny he felt at his predicament. He was desperate to reach around to rub his cock, the short length of chain separating his wrists from ankles made this impossible. He had no idea how much time had passed, noise from outside the room was limited, he heard only the occasional heavy door shutting in the distance. He listened harder and harder when, out of nowhere, the door in front of him opened. He felt the cool breeze of the corridor air enter the room and sweep over his surf suit, the door shutting with a thud and then nothing – silence. Jake grunted and became animated, agitating the metal chains and cuffs. He turned his head to desperately sense and hear the person who’d entered – nothing.
As Jake settled back into his kneeled position, an invisible force pulled the chain collar backwards and tight against his neck alongside a heavy foot being placed on his back, pushing Jake’s chest forward and down. The pressure pushing Jake down against the collar being pulled back was heavy and sustained, he had no choice but to tolerate it. The grip loosened, allowing Jake a few panicked breaths, before being reapplied.
When it was finally removed again, Jake felt gloved hands unlocking and removing the ankle cuffs and collar before pulling him to his feet and quickly marching him backwards into the room. He was thrown facedown on to the bed, which now was covered with what felt like a PVC sheet. A heavy bag was thrown down onto the bed beside Jake and landed with a heavy thud. Jake felt the weight of his captor as he sat on top of him, pinning him down. Jake’s wrists remained locked in the cuffs, and he tried desperately to explore the weight on him, feeling for anything he could play with. His exploration was brief, as the weight rearranged itself to pin his hands down. Jake heard the bag being opened and it’s contents emptied out, clanging metal rang out as they dropped onto the mattress.
The weight on top of Jake shifted as Master turned to face Jake’s free feet. Within seconds Jake’s ankles were bound with thick rope, extra loops added above his knees binding them together. The weight forcing Jake down eased, allowing him the ability to wriggle, and wriggle he did, grinding into the mattress, able for the first time to rub his rigid cock under his suit, now heavily lubricated with sweat and precum.
His attempt at self-pleasure ended almost as soon as it began. He was turned onto his back, as his body rolled over he felt a cold metal belt placed around his waist beneath him. Sides of this belt were closed over his groin like a book, the weight laying on his cod piece. Minutes of fiddling followed, as Master’s gloved hands tightened and adjusted the belt to fit Jake’s rubber clad body perfectly, not so tight it was uncomfortable, but tight enough to be unremovable and for it’s presence to be felt. Jake’s mind pictured chrome chastity belts he’d seen and dreamed of, but never worn. His suspicions were confirmed as the two ends were clicked together, closing the belt. Jake grunted as his cod piece was removed and then placed over his face, the slick rubber wet on his face. Jake’s cock was slid into a curved metallic tunnel, and forcibly pushed further in prompting another series of grunts of discomfort from Jake. Gradually the confinement and cool metal won over Jake’s rigid cock, itself reluctantly submitting and conforming to the cold metal tunnel. As Jake’s cock shrank, the chastity belt could be slowly closed, locks aligning perfectly. As the metal cod piece joined the belt, Jake’s balls were spread and squeezed, exposed and so very vulnerable. A final few clicks followed as the last of the locks were closed, and a customary shake to check nothing was lose. With the belt and it’s contents secured, invisible hands slid under Jake before flipping him again onto his front. He could feel he was now laying on top of clothes that smelt like his worker’s gear, above the PVC sheet.
Jake felt a new collar being tightened around his neck, from the front of which he could feel was an attached set of straps, it must be a muzzle, that was left undone, for now. The hand cuffs were unlocked and removed, strong hands gripped his wrists and laid them across his back, new metal restraints were clicked shut, forcing his arms to lay across his back, the restraints felt ice cold, almost wet against the rubber.
The bed shifted as weight was removed, Jake grunted again as he got used to his new restraints and predicament. The noise of heavy boots moved around Jake as the room’s occupant shuffled around. Leather gloved hands massaged Jake’s bound body, squeezing his glutes, rubbing the accumulating drool over his gagged and blindfolded face. Master was clearly enjoying himself, grunting and moaning as his gloved hands moved about Jake’s body. Jake’s head was gripped tighter as he sensed his captor to be standing centimetres from it. Zips were opened and a hard cock was rubbed against Jake’s face, precum mixing with the drool. A slow rhythmical noise and sensation began as Jake’s captor started to pleasure himself, with each hand stroke he collided with the wet gag forcing Jake to splutter and gag as he struggled to time his breaths. The rhythm sped up, ignoring Jake’s groans – Jake’s discomfort and intermittent choking was not important here. The moaning peaked noisily; relief erupted forcibly against Jake’s face, clearly felt beneath the blindfold and gag. Within seconds the muzzle was closed shut, trapping cum over Jake’s face, the muzzles’ many straps were tightened efficiently, padlocks securing them into place.
Unexpectedly Jake’s head was lifted up as his ankles were forced up off the bed. Unseen, but very much felt by Jake, a rope had been fed through a ring on the top of the harness through the binds on his ankle, completing the hog tie. It was not comfortable, and Jake couldn’t help but groan, as he did so spit, cum and dribble bubbled out of his mouth pathetically. Sadistic laughter emitted from Jake’s captor, as he zipped up his pants and pulled a chair closer to the hog-tied rubber-clad, gagged, blindfolded prisoner.
Jake struggled and tried to free himself to no avail, he heard his captor stand, before pressing the cuffs down into Jake’s back, the cold sensation from them became icy, and small dribbles of cold water dribbled around Jake’s back, his captor was showing him he’d been bound with an ice-lock that was slowly melting. No sooner had Jake clocked this, the pressure was released, quick boot steps travelled away and the room door was shut, leaving Jake alone.
Silent Struggle
Fear grew in Jake’s mind, he held his breath as long as he could to better hear. Was he alone? Was there another silent captor in the room? Was it a trick and he’d not left but was silently watching? Jake held his breath as long as he possibly could, hearing nothing but his racing heart beat and the rubbing of his rubber on the PVC sheet. He exhaled rapidly before breathing in and holding his breath again, he continued in this manner for what felt like hours, hearing nothing. Silence.
Assuming he was alone, Jake set to try and free himself. It was futile, he knew that and yet couldn’t help but try. His hands were locked uselessly against his back, he could now clearly feel the cold water that had melted with his hands, a sign that it was melting, but he had no way of knowing how much more it would melt, and he didn’t really know what would happen when it did melt. Would he be free? Was it a trick to force him to wait for it to melt and still be bound in this tight hogtie? The knots on the rope were too far from Jake’s fingers to be undone. He was stuck. He assumed the aim was humiliation, amongst the many messages between Jake and his Master, Jake had expressed how humiliation was a turn on. He’d got exactly what he wanted. Now he had it, he was terrified. At some point hotel staff would enter the room and find this scene, there would be so many questions, so much explaining and embarrassment.
An unknown amount of time passed by, Jake could sense he was still as hard as his metal cage would allow; the humiliation, rubber, the predicament all intensely horny, his cock struggled against it’s metal prison. He could sense a growing need to piss, he needed to spend more and more energy to distract himself from this, feeling he had to squeeze harder and harder to not piss everywhere. He thought back to the water he’d downed on instruction. Another humiliation built in. He couldn’t hold it any longer, a torrent of warm piss spread around and under Jack, having soaked through the clothes under him, pooling on the PVC sheet. Great. Another thing he would need to explain when the hotel staff come unwittingly through the door.
Somehow Jake fell asleep, he only knew this when he woke, he’d no idea what time it was, or even what day, though it didn’t feel like days had passed. On waking, nothing felt like it had changed but when he wriggled, his hands broke free, finally the icy lock had melted, allowing the cuffs to separate. Jake remained semi-bound, ankles tied to the harness muzzle. Awkwardly, with numb, unresponsive fingers he found knots that were easily loosened, his head and ankles dropped down and Jake sighed in relief. He lay there for several minutes before rolling over and undoing the knots binding his legs and ankles. His hands felt his head, padlocks locked the head harness and gag, his freedom was only partial. Jake’s hands darted around the bed, feeling nothing but cold piss and damp clothes. He stood, trying to remember the room and where things were. He stumbled about, finding the table finally, on the table were a small bundle of keys that Jake grabbed at, feeling a growing sense of optimism that total humiliation might yet be avoided.
He sat on the floor, trying key after key in the first lock he found, it felt like it would never unlock, he must have tried every key multiple times before finally it turned and unlocked. Another small step towards freedom. He grabbed the next padlock and repeated, it was no quicker, but he did eventually succeed. Four more padlocks needed unlocking before he could remove the muzzle, but now at least he could undo the blindfold, leaving just the gag. With the blindfold removed, Jake could finally see his prison. He was alone in the room, the bed was soaked, what piss hadn’t soaked through the clothes was trapped on the PVC sheet atop the mattress, the room was dark, the time on the room TV signalled it was the early hours of the morning. Jake made his way to the mirror before turning his attention to the gag, he stared at his reflection, clear lines from the muzzle imprinted his face, his short hair was full of dried cum. It was what adorned his groin and waist that Jake was most drawn to however, turning slowly to see his ass, Jake could see he had been locked into a shiny metal chastity belt, he couldn’t remove it, the locks he could see were different from the keys he had found. He unlocked and removed his gag, his jaw oddly ached more now then before it was removed.
Jake slumped down in front of the mirror against the wall, one hand holding the gag, his other idly feeling his metal groin. He smiled to himself.
Something had changed. Jake would never be the same again.
To Be Continued…
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