The S(t)imulator Ch.4
Authors’s Note: Hello to my readers, it has been a long time since I’ve written anything (as of publishing this) and finally got around to it! I hope you will enjoy this installment as much or more as the previous ones. Comments are always welcome. This piece should reveal some things about my other works, but as this has been many many years in the making there may be some consistency issues that I am aware of (or not)- but then again…this is all just for fun…I may do a rewrite of some of the older works when I get around to it!
– The Extractor
Dr. Rex was becoming quite turned on as well. But his masterpiece awaits. For the past few years, Dr. Rex focused on infiltration, and control into a secret military base. With secret approval from the government, Dr. Rex received the funding and the test subjects as he requested. Everything was done through his mindfucked puppet, General Stryker, so they would never find out they had been infiltrated. It was truly a blessing. The government barely checked up on the secret base as long costs were kept within reason, reports went out regularly, and those that were sent here were sent back as promised – better trained than ever before. Each and every one of them reprogrammed in some way with some embedded triggers in their minds.
Now that he was in virtually unchallenged, he has nearing what he needs to complete the compound Alpha. He could milk and mindfuck every single marine that was here and those that were sent here without being detected. The harvested cum was used for experimentation on all sorts of things, but most of all to find a way to better use the powerful pheromones contained within.
Compound Alpha was mysterious. Its origin is alien. Dr. Rex found out about it years ago – or one should say Extractor found out about it years ago, having hacked top security servers one time and shifting through the interesting bits lead him here – of course after draining every bit of information from the guards beforehand. The files back then read it was an alien substance which appeared to be alive yet not. It didn’t react to any chemicals except bodily fluids, and could be moulded in a way how it clung to a surface. It seems to have enhanced the surface for some time before it returned to its dormant state. The files were of course decades old – the experimentation on this substance seems to have abruptly ended at around the time when all the funding went pouring into nuclear. Then it seems anything to do with this substance was forgotten and lost in the piles of documents. Existing research on file say the compound reacted to fluids from the human body but only temporarily. On the side of the page, a particular word was written and underlined, “semen”. Extractor was intrigued more than ever now.
Having procured it in the security vaults deep below the base’s laboratory, the compound by itself seems to have no reaction. Its colour was pitch black, at certain angles it glistened in the air tight jar. His first initial test was to dripple some drops of cum he milked out of his now mindless minions. Almost immediately the black substance absorbed it in and started to cling to the jar, spreading through the jar. Extractor shut the lid and continued to watch. The substance expanded and spread then deflated and collapsed in on itself again. How peculiar.
Masquerading as a psychiatric doctor, Extractor or otherwise known as Dr. Rex smiled. This was the kind of stuff right up his alley. However, before Dr. Rex could really experiment, he needed to take control of the key stakeholders on base. However, that is another story to be told on how he got all the way into Fort Atlantis.
In front of him was success. A totally controlled and so far, stable specimen. Lieutenant Mustang was a first to be a success to have full coverage. The previous tests were only partial successes. Now to analyse all the data from the suit and its host. The heartrate was stable, his mind was still intact and, in the backseat, while the programming kept his mind horny, submissive and completely obedient. The new alpha suit seems to be held in check by the special chips that has been embedded in. It kept the full primal desire to dominate at by, but it constantly fed on its host’s dripping cum.
“Auugh…so good, sir…feels so good…”
“That’s to be expected Lieutenant. Now we have more tests to run, if you would please stand up and walk towards to the right side of the room.”
“Now, see that metal table there, I want you smash it with both of your gloved fists.”
“SIR YESSIR!” And with a loud bang, the 2-inch solid steel table bent inwards with trace marks of where the fists were.
“Spectacular…and well beyond expectations…” Dr. Rex talked to himself and scribbled the findings down.
Lieutenant Mustang felt so good and horny, he couldn’t stop himself. He just processed whatever was being said into his helmet. Every time he did something he felt even better. He couldn’t think at all, but to just instinctively obey. With the new suit, it brought the feeling to a whole new level. It felt as if he MUST obey and there was no choice at all. He just did it. However, any other reaction from his own self was completely muted as if it just fell into an endless void. As a matter of fact, it felt even better – even if just be a slight fraction to just let go even more. Letting the suit just – feed off of him.
Drip, drip, drip, his rock-hard cock went and being instantly slurped up by the alpha suit. Instantly converted into strength and its own power. The suit was slowly adjusting to the host functions and with the constant interference of the chips it couldn’t do anything else but adapt to its food source. Cum. The domination effects would be held in check by the chips.
“Now, Mustang, I want you sitting in that chair there,” pointing to the special seat with various tools and wires around it.
“SIR YES-SIR!” Lt. Mustang twitched as he complied. An intense wave of pleasure pulsed out of his cock and into his brain. Barely able to contain the pleasure inside. But orders are orders and he wasn’t given permission to cum.
The Extractor continued to take down key biometrics and new ones that he now could take. The amount of muscle mass gained, thickness of the suit, power gained…it was incredible. The cum fueled alien substance was definitely on par with superheroes and villains out in the public. Now if only he could find more matches…but the problem was there was only one sample of compound alpha.
The original problem solved, but another presented itself. Some testing would have to be done on Lt. Mustang’s cum and compound alpha.
With surgical precision, Extractor took the controls of the robotic arms around the chair that Mustang was on and brought a razor-sharp scalpel to take a small sample. Expecting it to cut through and collect it in a vial…but something else happened instead. The suit although slightly stretchy like skin, resisted the blade somehow. Even with sped up speed, barely any progress was made. Then when the scalpel blade was taken out, the small cut was instantly covered up. Incredible – Extractor marvelled. If he could make his own army of mindless soldiers suited up in this material, he could be unstoppable….! But unfortunately, there were side effects, and finding a match was still elusive. But there were some key observations that could lead to future hypothesis:
- The host must provide cum.
- A top performing marine seems to pass the match test
- Personality of Lt. Mustang
- Physically fit
It appears that compound alpha was aptly named with these observations. Extractor would have to find more ‘winners’ in the military! “Lieutenant Mustang,” Extractor spoke into the microphone in the adjacent room.
“YESSIR!” Lt. Mustang was high alert and active. Full of energy and power, yet he was in control, or should it be put he was under control of some sort. His mind buzzed and swirled, but it wasn’t enough that he couldn’t figure out what was going on outside his mind, but neither could he really think. Only the programmed reactions. Only the programmed instincts. A totally obedient muscled up marine covered in a skin tight black suit with a pilot helmet, boots and gloves on.
“I want you to start stroking your cock, get hard and leak your juices out.” “SIR YESSIR!” Immediately, Lt. Mustang began stroking his already hard cock which was enveloped by the black substance. It felt so good. So fucking good. He didn’t know if he could stop if he wanted to, but it didn’t matter. He gotta obey orders. Feel so good to obey orders. So good to be obeying. So good. So fucking—EDGED. But he just had to OBEY and LEAK his juices out. Fuck yes. He just had to leak his ball juices out. His man seed. Lt. Mustang could feel the suit sucking on his cock hungrily as each drop came out. Sucking it up instantly and somewhere on the suit got a little tighter. A little thicker. The more he pumped, the more the suit grew.
The biometric data tracked everything, and the constant growth of the suit was Extractor’s plan. Being on the cutting edge meant taking risks beyond the unknown!
The suit on Lt. Mustang continued to drive his sex drive higher than ever before, his cock was leaking so much it was visibly pulsing slightly. It seems that the suit enhanced the marine’s balls to produce cum on overdrive and whatever couldn’t fit in the balls began to push any excess out. “UUuugh…FUUUCK”, Lt Mustang moaned from under his helmet. Muffled a little by the pilot mask he was wearing. His body twitched every few seconds from the intense process that he was being put through. He could feel his entire mind shrink even smaller into a tiny dot as all that was filling the void was how fucking horny he felt and how needed to obey. His hands couldn’t stop stroking and yet at the same time he couldn’t cum. The endless loop of pleasure drove his breathing into a heavy pant.
The Alpha suit become visibly thicker and transformed Lt. Mustang’s body even more as he pumped his cock. Soon his body was looking even more muscular and defined, but smooth with a matte rubbery look. The alpha suit was definitely changing something physically.
All the biometrics displayed that the active conscious portions of Lt. Mustang’s brain was getting smaller and smaller as the suit continued to force out more and more of Mustang’s man juices. Extractor continued to monitor things closely.
To push the experiment even further, Extractor wanted to try something that had been on the backburner for some time. Since there weren’t ever any successes before it wasn’t ever possible. Taking a bigger risk, Extractor began phase three of the experiment. With a few keystrokes and inputs from the keyboard and into the special connectors on the chair that Lt. Mustang was sitting in, the experiment began.
“AUUUGH…FUUUCK…FUUUAAWWK…” Lt. Mustang’s mind was so stimulated at this point and couldn’t comprehend anything that was happening. It was essentially now in auto-pilot with the mind letting go of everything and going with whatever input was injected into his mind. Normally, connecting the someone’s brain to the computer you could just simply get a rough guess of what was going on in there. However, an active conscious mind would automatically thwart attempts at modifying it. Brute forcing it only resulted in a vegetative state. But now, with the alien compound and the program at the same time, it was possible reprogram the brain.
“FUUUUUCK…FUUUUCK…UUUGH…” Lt. Mustang couldn’t stop moaning. His suit covered shaft felt so good – it felt like he was orgasming, but he had yet to climax. Stroke after stroke he did just as he was ordered. He want to obey. He gotta obey. He need to obey. It felt so GOOD. So GOOD. FUCK. GOOD. Bits and pieces of Lt. Mustang’s past began to dribble out of his mind and out of his cock. Slurped up by the suit. First his short-term memories, slowly bit by bit leaked out from his cock. Driven by the total control of ultimate pleasure, Lt. Mustang could do nothing but keep going.
The programs guided the alien suit to target parts of the brain. Soon Lt. Mustang, began to twitch as more and more of his mind began to leak out. His long term memories began to leak out as the program began methodically eliminating all the things he won’t be needing as a perfect jock pilot cum slave. The program left anything that was related to his marine training intact. Along with his USMC pilot identity. Then with cutting edge AI, a new persona was created based on what was left over and injected into the program and in turn into Lt. Mustang’s mind.
The empty slots of memories took up the new patterns without resistance or rejection from the now minimized consciousness. “AUUUGH SO…GOOD…FUCK…AUGH…SIR…YESSIR, OBEY,” Lt. Mustang began to babble nonsense as his mind was reprogrammed with his new persona. “J-JOCK PILOT…CUM SLAVE…FUUUCK…FUUU—SO GOOD,” Lt. Mustang began to twitch and thrash but the chair held him tight.
Extractor watched the process with great pleasure as Lt. Mustang struggled, squirmed all the while he was fully geared. Even better as the alpha suit enhanced and perfected his entire figure as well. The biometrics were steady as Lt. Mustang continued and was reprogrammed.
It was amazing to see how far he could push Lt. Mustang with the suit in control. Any normal human being would have been broken or snapped by now. Being a perfect match with the suit was definitely a requirement. As the progress bar on the computer went up, the thrashing and struggling started to reduce in frequency. It seems that the brain had accepted its new personality.
“Good Mustang. What is your designation?”
“JOCK PILOT AUURGH CUM SLAVE SIR!” Lt. Mustang affirmed between his stroking.
“Good, begin orgasm protocols.”
“YESSIR, THANK YOU SIR——” and before he could even finish, his entire body convulsed and began to thrust his entire crotch into the air. The suit began to thicken around the cock as the cum came gushing out in large torrents. It was getting so thick that it was almost matching his muscular arms. But within 20 seconds, all of it was hungrily absorbed in the suit as the suit began to move the cum into other areas of the suit. The suit began to tighten even more and strands of black thick muscle began to form (like Crysis nanosuit).
Thrust by thrust, Lt. Mustang shot his loads out. Everything that was pent up in those balls spewed out and more. The last bits of any remaining memory that was leaked out earlier all shot out as well. There wouldn’t be any residual flash backs. The mind wiping orgasm made sure of it.
Extractor watched with as the program and suit worked spectacularly. The experiment was a success! Now he’ll just need to test every single marine on the base…
After over half an hour of convulsing orgasms and twitching, Lt. Mustang was finally done with the programming. His body was looking like something of a sci-fi video game now – perfected by the alien substance and the cutting-edge chips implanted underneath. A perfected jock pilot cum slave.
The Extractor licked his dry lips. He couldn’t stop watching. It was too exciting. The last half hour was something he didn’t want to miss live, even though he had a number of high definition cameras all around the room along with 3D captures. The computer beeped quietly notifying that the program was complete.
Lt. Mustang sat in the seat breathing heavily having calmed down from the intense procedure he just went through. Fuck, he couldn’t get enough. He felt so good. So horned up. So jocked up. He was a fucking perfect jock pilot ready for action. His thick hard cock and muscular body felt so energized. He felt like he could anything. Fuck yeah – and automatically he flexed his arms and looked at his sculped body.
The Extractor’s newly implanted persona worked perfectly. Seeing Lt. Mustang flex his arms was a sign that was pre-programmed in.
“Lt. Mustang,” Extractor spoke into the mic.
Lt Mustang’s body stiffened up and raised his hand up in salute, “Sir Yessir!” he replied in a now deeper, assertive voice but with a bit more real tone instead of a dead drone tone.
“You’ve don’t spectacularly today. Well done!”
“Thank you, SIR!”
“In a moment I’ll release you from the chair, I’ll need to keep you around here, so head into the other door across the room. You will be monitored for the time being. I am sure you will find the next room comfortable. But absolutely no cumming.” “Yessir!”
“Good, now I will be back in 1800 hours. Over and out.”
Lt. Mustang rose from the chair and walked across the room in his new completely jocked up body. He opened the door into a fairly large, but underground bedroom loaded with various entertainment, but also a complete gym workout set. Then he saw himself in the mirror.
“Fuck yeah,” Lt. Mustang began to flex and pose looking at his alpha suited figure. His cock rose and hardened again immediately. His super enhanced body was ready to be milked again, but orders were orders. He could only enjoy the pulses of pleasure that came from his throbbing shaft for now. His new programmed in personality worked seamlessly. His mind had been reduced. Dumbed down to be a perfect jock pilot hungry for cum and producing cum. His personality prioritized in looking good while serving and obey his new commander, the Extractor.
All Chapters
- The S(t)imulator – Chapter 01
- The S(t)imulator – Chapter 02
- The S(t)imulator – Chapter 03
- The S(t)imulator – Chapter 04
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