The S(t)imulator Ch.3
It’s been a month and Lt. Mustang had been milked almost every single day. He had passed each test in flying colors within the simulator. Dr. Rex kept a close eye on him as he was one of his best on file so far. He had produced more cum than anyone on a per day basis. Of course – they were all fed a nutrient-rich cum producing diet – just that Lt. Mustang outperformed every single other candidate so far. Maybe he would be the first to be put through the upcoming alpha program. Dr. Rex pondered at the thought. He would definitely make an excellent specimen…
Lt. Mustang slept in his flight gear now. After three weeks, he simply stopped changing out of his flight uniform. Even his helmet was kept on at all times except when eating and drinking. He did everything in his uniform. Although one might argue he was probably too well trained or mind fucked to change anyways.
Regardless, Lt. Mustang has yet to fail on a mission during his time here. His prior experience on the field definitely gave him an edge over the others that were being trained at the facility. The other pilots were kept in a rut to those who faced off with Lt. Mustang. Not that they knew either way – but it kept those other jet pilots in chastity while they were edged towards an uncontrollable horny state, making them weak minded and easily programmed.
Mustang however, was completely drug addled and addicted now to the conditioning. His horniness and cock controlled him right now. His brain was barely functioning other than by instinct at this point. He became addicted to the simulator’s mind blowing orgasms. Each time he blew his load the simulator would increase the stimulation just that one little bit more – naturally Lt. Mustang would be chasing for the ultimate high. By then, his brain would be totally rewired to serve and obey his superiors.
Dr. Rex was harvesting record amounts of cum from the pilots he brought in for extra “training”. What for one may ask – well, it’s a top secret military base. Some of the most unusual substances are to be found in the vaults below at Fort Atlantis. One them is known to be an alien substance – whatever research that went into it shows it reacts to human sweat. However, doctor Rex knew better. Experimentation with human cum produced a much more pronounced effect. The special compound seemingly could enhance its surrounding materials. However, the effects were fleeting.
Lt. Mustang didn’t’ quite know he was going other than he was ordered to report to a specific building, floor and room at a specific time. His body moved as if it was automated. His mind hazy, eyes in a trance-like state. No one on the outside however could tell with his helmet on, visor down, and mask on. His uniform and anti-g suit still on as if he was ready to fly on a mission any second. Not that anyone else on the base cared. Everyone at Fort Atlantis was a subject for Dr. Rex. When Mustang arrived, he simply knocked on the door and awaited an answer.
“Come in” a voice said.
Mustang opened the door and saw Dr. Rex waiting for him by some kind of chair.
“Lt. Mustang, have a seat “, Dr. Rex gestured.
Without a second thought Lt. Mustang complied and sat in the seat. The special seat was made of leather and had a few strange contraptions around it. However, Mustang was too tranced by now to even care. He was totally, completely under control and only craved to serve and obey. Any order he complied to gave him a rush of pleasure. He couldn’t stop, he didn’t want to stop obeying. It felt so, so good.
Dr. Rex examined the lieutenant’s zoned out eyes. Felt his permanent hard and wet bulge. It was impressive. “Auugh…yeah…,” a moan escaped Mustang’s lips. However it was a bit muffled through his flight mask. Dr. Rex smiled a little.
Mustang’s precum leaked non-stop and the shaft was soaked in his man juices which was all wrapped up over his flight suit. The flight suit had a large wet trail now. The amount of time Mustang was in it was unprecedented. The smell of sweat and cum filled the air wherever he went. Right now, the room was becoming extremely pungent of Mustang’s odour.
This time, Dr. Rex was confident, he will unlock the secrets to the black alien compound. He managed to manipulate it already through extensive experimentation and research. He tried placing the compound on a live human, however at first it seems to cling to the body – but for some reason the compound would always shrink back and become unreactive even if the human host was full of cum. The end result was a male completely drained and totally subservient – all craving for cum.
Dr. Rex fastened the leather straps on Mustang. His arms, wrist, body, legs and ankles were tightly held down. His head was held in place as well. Multiple needle like wires then sprung out from below the chair waiting on standby. The wires served as the manipulators when it pierces into the compounds skin. Next, the oxygen mask was attached to the chair’s special gas chamber within. Then a cock sheath appeared as well. Dr. Rex unzipped Mustang’s cum soaked suit and attached the cock sheath on his wet shaft. With it air tight and securely in place the experiment was about to begin.
Dr. Rex moved into a separate room with controls to the main room and punched in the various controls to start. Compound Alpha was then introduced into a container connecting to the cock sheath. As cock sheath pumped Lt. Mustang, the odour of cum saturated the air within the container. The compound began to stir. From a foamy like material to be more heavy viscous liquid and moving on its own.
Dr. Rex watched like many times before he had done this with other marines, the compound is about to moved and spread to find the source. To quicken the process, Lt. Mustang would just need to cum – which was easily done.
Dr. Rex then commanded into Lt. Mustang’s helmet comms, “I order you CUM, lieutenant!”
“SIR YESSSSUURR!” Lt. Mustang shot his load before he could even finish talking. He shot on command now. He was a top performing marine – ready to serve and obey at any moment – that includes cumming.
As Mustang’s load shot out, compound Alpha began to travel up the tube. Soon, the two would meet.
Dr. Rex watched in anticipation for the results. The compound Alpha began to spread and devour Mustang’s cum, and inflated its foamy liquid body. It attached on to Mustang’s cock and spread where it could. Wrapping the entire shaft and into the cock’s head trying to find the source. Mustang began to struggle and attempted to thrash in his restraints. He was breathing rapidly and moaning in ecstasy and intense pleasure.
Dr. Rex observed closely, and began to time the active time of the alpha compound that was still trapped within the sheath.
Tick, tock, the seconds rose higher and higher and the alpha compound continued to be active while Mustang continued to struggle and moan. The timer went higher and higher, it was the longest ever this had ever happened. Dr. Rex immediately then pressed the sheath release button and immediately the cock sheath popped off. The compound immediately began to spread throughout the entire body and clothing. The wires were then inserted and began to direct the compound accordingly. It spread at a rapid pace, very soon Mustang was covered in a black layer of the compound with a hard bulge showing. The wires stimulated the suit to stay on the body and not cling to the clothing.
Using surgical precision of the remote controls, Dr. Rex removed Mustang’s pilot gear and helmet. It revealed a completely covered, matte black and smooth, skin tight body. Mustang appears to be still struggling and moaning from the pleasure. His muscular toned body was enhanced further by the compound. It seems like the compound adapted and only accepted top alpha males. The most dominant ones – only to dominant them to become their hosts. Now alarms were going off in the control room as the leather straps were becoming strained to the max. The compound seemed to have enhanced the strength of the host as expected from past testing. With a few controls, Mustang began to relax in the chair once more. The injected wires sending the proper signals to control the Alpha compound.
“Mustang, do you copy?” Dr. Rex said into the comms.
“YETHIR!” Mustang replied with some struggle with his head covered in the compound.
The Alpha compound was definitely an dominating alien substance. It would take over and attempt to make it its slave if it could.
Dr. Rex immediately then controlled the electro wired pulses to cull back the compound from the head. It slowly receded back down to Mustang’s neck. Mustang was sweat soaked but still completely tranced out. His mind had been double mindfucked for a short moment.
Dr. Rex then began to integrate various attachments into the alpha compound. Surgically sliding in microchips and controls into the new “suit”. An alpha suit. When the chips were implanted in, the suit instantly recovered and closed off any incisions that were done by the particle blades.
Once the chips were online – Dr. Rex checked the monitors, everything was working perfectly. Then one by one, the injected wires started to pop off. “Yes…very good…” Dr. Rex said to himself.
On the experimental chair showed a muscular jet pilot wrapped up in a matte black alien compound. Every inch of his muscles defined – maybe even enhanced. His crotch was now a large bulge that seemed to pulse and twitch. Mustang’s eyes still looked to be in a trance state – completely vacant but willing to serve and obey.
Dr. Rex was thrilled that things have come to fruition. Typing in the execution of the rest of the alpha program, the machines in the other room started to whirl and move again. This time bringing out the rest of the alpha suit gear. An HUD enhanced pilot helmet which had an air tight fit over Lt. Mustang’s head. Then a pair of specially armoured gloves and boots that would be compatible with the alpha suit. Almost immediately the alpha suit attached and linked up the entire system automatically. The computer chips embedded within sensing the immediate connection. Soon Lt. Mustang’s biometrics was on full display and monitored . Dr. Rex smiled at the outstanding success.
“Lt. Mustang.” Dr. Rex spoke into the pilot’s new helmet comms.
“How are you feeling?”
“Good to hear. Now you are to tell me if you feel or sense anything wrong. Got that?”
All Chapters
- The S(t)imulator – Chapter 01
- The S(t)imulator – Chapter 02
- The S(t)imulator – Chapter 03
- The S(t)imulator – Chapter 04