The Monster II, Dark Desires

Read Part I, here

Eight months after leaving Blake in his monster guise, Henry had settled into a new job with a production company specialising in low-budget horror films. The films were not particularly good, but they had a certain charm to them, and the effects that Henry had done for their last three films had earned them some acclaim. Currently, the company was deep in production on a werewolf film. Henry had worked his magic and crafted a truly terrifying werewolf suit. The script had called for a more human-looking werewolf, so Henry had taken inspiration from his previous monster suit and created a muscular wolf-man hybrid with short black hair covering his body.

The mask featured a snarling face and sharp fangs. When he had first shown the suit to the production team, a shudder had gone through the room. Everyone was suitably impressed, and perhaps a bit intimidated by the suit. The director told Henry that it was his best work yet. Henry was happy to hear that, but he was even happier when he met Trevor, the actor playing the werewolf.

Henry was hesitant to admit it to himself, but he had a bit of a crush on him, and there were times when it seemed like maybe the feeling went both ways. At the very least, Trevor certainly seemed to enjoy playing the werewolf. He didn’t seem all that bothered by how warm the suit got, the strange musky scent that emanated from it, or the fact that it sometimes didn’t want to come off as easily as it went on. If anything, he seemed rather comfortable wearing the suit. Henry was happy that Trevor was relishing the role and enjoying his creation, and the filmmakers were getting lots of great footage as well.

One night, Henry was working on an effect in the back studio of the production office. He heard the door to the studio open, and when he turned around, he saw Trevor standing there, somewhat surprised.

“Oh, hey. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I didn’t know anyone was back here.” Trevor said, slightly nervous.
“It’s cool. Can I help you with something?”
“Uh, yeah, maybe. I…uh…I was wondering if I might be able to borrow the werewolf suit?”

Henry smirked. Trevor must REALLY enjoy that suit, he thought. Normally he wouldn’t even entertain the idea of someone taking the suit, but Trevor seemed trustworthy enough. He decided to toy with Trevor a bit.

“I don’t know. I’m really supposed to make sure that suit stays locked up when it’s not needed on set. It’s probably not a good idea to let you borrow it. What do you want with that smelly thing anyway?”

Trevor looked down at the floor sheepishly.

“Th-there’s a party going on tonight”, he stammered. “A big costume party downtown. There’s even a contest for best costume. Winner gets a thousand bucks! I thought I could win it for sure with that suit, you know? It’s so cool. I mean, you did such a great job on it. I was even going to split the money with you.”
“Well, that’s very kind of you, but-“
“I just thought I could borrow it for a couple hours and bring it back. I’m always really careful with it when we’re on set, right? Plus that thing is pretty tough. I feel like it would be hard to mess it up.”
“You’re very careful with it, but I don’t think-“
“Henry, please! This means a lot to me! Please let me borrow it! Please!”

Trevor’s desperation caught Henry off guard. The truth was that Henry didn’t mind if Trevor borrowed the suit. If something happened to it, he could fix it easily. There was something in Trevor’s eyes though that Henry found strange. It was a look of hunger, almost like a junkie needing a fix. Henry felt bad about teasing him. He decided to let him off the hook.

“Okay, okay! You can borrow the suit, but just for a few hours. And you don’t have to give me any prize money, although I wouldn’t say no to a nice dinner. Just don’t wreck it, or we’re both going to be in a lot of trouble.”
“Thank you! I promise I’ll take excellent care of it.”

Trevor gave Henry a quick hug, then walked over to the large box marked ‘WOLF’ nearby and opened it.

“I’m…uh…I’m going to need a hand getting into it though.”
“Sure. Gotta make sure you look good, right?”
“You know it!”

Henry lifted the suit out of the box. The animalistic musk of the suit hit Trevor hard.

“Phew! Do you ever wash this thing?”
“I can’t really wash it without damaging it. These things usually get tossed out at the end of the show anyway.”
“No way! You’re really going to trash this suit?”
“Why? Do you want it?”
“I mean…”

Henry laughed. He had been planning to offer Trevor the suit after production wrapped anyway, but this just sealed the deal.

“You can have it once we’re done with it. You wear it too well anyway.”
“Sometimes it feels like the suit is wearing me!” Trevor said, chuckling.

Trevor took his coat off and then undressed. Once he was nude, Henry helped Trevor slip into the suit, tugging the tight rubber over his feet and legs. At one point, Henry looked up and saw Trevor with his eyes closed, blushing. He glanced down and saw that Trevor was sporting quite an erection. He looked away, trying to focus on the task at hand. He bit his tongue when he heard Trevor moan slightly as the suit was pulled up over his cock. Henry adjusted the ass of the suit around his cheeks, making sure it fit properly. He brushed the hair on the suit, feeling it twitch and move in response. Once Trevor’s arms were pulled through the sleeves of the suit, Henry fetched the mask.

“Yeah, let’s do it!”

Trevor held his breath as Henry slipped the mask over his head. As he tugged it down, the mask suddenly moved on its own and slipped out of his hands, attaching itself to the suit. Henry was slightly surprised, as the suit had never done that before. Trevor pressed his hands against the mask to adjust it, although there wasn’t much adjustment that needed to be done. He shivered as the suit sucked in tighter, fitting him perfectly.

“Well? How does it look?” Trevor said, his voice taking on a deeper, more animalistic tone. His eyes began to glow with a crimson light as the suit began to take hold of him. Henry struggled to respond. The suit looked impressive as always, but there was something different this time around that he couldn’t quite place. For the first time, he felt like maybe he wasn’t as in control of his creation as he thought he was.

“You look…amazing.”
“Mmm, I feel amazing too. Almost stronger. I feel like I could climb a building to howl at the moon or something!”

Trevor flexed in the suit, enjoying the sensations. He let out a growl for good measure. Henry was still slightly unsettled by it, but he decided to chalk it up to the mix of emotions he had watching Trevor enjoy the suit so much.

“I guess I better get going. Don’t want to miss that contest!”
“Right. Good luck! I’m sure you’ll do great.”

Trevor gave him a thumbs up, then grabbed his coat and slipped it over the suit. Henry waved as he left, then went back to work on his effect. His mind was elsewhere though. Was there something he had missed when creating the suit? When he had made the monster suit for Blake, it seemed fairly obvious how to make it so that Blake would be sealed inside it forever, but Henry had created the werewolf suit to be able to be worn and taken off, and that had involved a bit more work.

The way the mask had slipped out of his hands and attached itself to the rest of the suit had surprised him, but perhaps that was simply the suit knowing how it was supposed to fit. It was alive in its own strange way, so moving on its own wasn’t that peculiar. Still, the thought troubled Henry. He decided to keep working to distract himself.

Hours later, Henry needed a break. He decided to grab a snack from the vending machine in the hallway. As he made his selection, he looked out the window next to the machine. The studio was situated on a hill that overlooked the city, offering an expansive view of everything. The sky was clear, and the stars and moon shone brightly over the city. Henry thought it looked rather peaceful. As he stared at the sky, he was struck by a sudden realization.

The moon.
The moon was full that night.

“Oh fuck!”

Henry dropped his snack and ran back into the studio, nearly flipping the workbench over as he grabbed his grandmother’s book secretly stashed underneath it. He scanned through the pages, trying to find anything that might relate to the moon. After a few minutes, he had found nothing. Then something caught his eye. It was a notice to be aware of the patterns and behaviors of the creatures that were created, as these things could not be changed. Henry hadn’t thought about what would happen if the werewolf suit was worn under a full moon. The film shoots had always taken place during the day, and he had made sure that the suit was designed to come off. Was it possible that the power of the full moon could somehow override Henry’s magic?


The roar echoed through the studio, frightening Henry. He knew he was out of time. Trevor had returned. There was nowhere to run to, and even if there was, Henry knew this was his mistake, and he would have to face the consequences no matter what.

Trevor came bursting through the door of the studio, tugging and pulling at the suit.

“Help me! Get this thing off of me!”
“What happened?”
“I can’t get it off! It’s stuck to me…and it’s changing me! I can feel it! Help me take it off!”
“Calm down, okay? Come over here.”

Henry sat Trevor down on a nearby stool. He continued to pull at the suit, tugging at the pointy ears of the mask, then pulling on the muscular chest of the suit.

“What’s happening to me? Why can’t I take it off?”
“Hang on. Let me take a look.”

Henry moved to Trevor’s back and tugged at the suit. Trevor roared in pain. He swung around and struck Henry, knocking him to the floor. Henry stumbled to his feet. He touched his head and felt a few drops of blood. The next thing he knew, Trevor was pouncing on him. He began to lick the blood off of his head. Henry saw Trevor’s eyes glowing wildly. Then, suddenly, the glow began to fade slightly. Trevor stopped and looked at Henry.

“My god, what’s happening to me?”

He quickly got off Henry and continued to tug at the suit. Henry got to his feet again and grabbed a rag off of the workbench, dabbing at the remaining blood on his head. Thankfully Trevor hadn’t done too much damage, but Henry wasn’t sure how much control Trevor had at this point.

“I’ve got to get out of this thing! How is this even possible?” Trevor grunted as he pulled at the mask.
“Uh…well…it’s complicated.” Henry said, nervously running his fingers through his hair.
“Try me.”
“There’s something you need to know. My creations…they’re not just costumes. They’re alive. What you’re wearing isn’t just some rubber suit. It’s living skin.”

Trevor’s eyes widened in terror.

“What are you talking about? That’s impossible!”
“It’s not. Here, let me show you.”

Henry grabbed the magic book and flipped through it, then held it up to show Trevor. Trevor couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He could see spells and instructions on how to create monsters that would bind themselves to anyone who wore them.

“I got this from my grandmother. She always said I had a gift, but truth be told I didn’t realize exactly what that was until a few months ago.”

Henry closed the book and looked at it solemnly.

“This is why my work is so real, you see. It’s part of my gift. I have the ability to bring these things to life in a way that no one else can.”

Trevor let out an annoyed grunt. It was clear to Henry that Trevor wasn’t buying it.

“Okay, fine. You think you’re a wizard. Whatever. Now just wave your magic wand or throw some fairy dust so you can get me out of the suit!”
“I don’t know if I can.”

Trevor stopped pulling on the suit. He approached Henry, grabbing him by the collar.

“What?! What do you mean?”
“I designed it so you could take it off while we were shooting, but you’ve never worn that suit at night…under a full moon no less. You may be stuck in the suit, at least until the sun comes up.”
“This is insane! Why would you do this to me?”
“I didn’t mean to! I just…couldn’t say no to you when you asked to borrow it. I never intended for this to happen. I thought it would be okay for the contest at least.”
“The contest?”
“Yeah, you said you were going to a costume contest, right?”
“I…I lied.”
“I lied about there being a contest.”
“Where did you go then?”

Trevor looked away. Even under the werewolf suit, Henry could sense his shame.

“I went to meet up with some people. God, this is so stupid. I’m basically what you might call a monster fucker. I take these film jobs so I can wear these suits. It really gets me going.”
“I…had a feeling that might be the case. You weren’t exactly subtle when you put the suit on.”
“I never took any of the suits from the other jobs. I just enjoyed it while I was in it and jerked off to the memory later. But this suit…there was something different about it. As soon as I put it on, I felt so connected to it. Now I know why.”
“I’m sorry. I had no idea this would happen, I swear.”
“I just wanted to have some fun in this suit. Now I’m stuck as this hideous beast for the rest of my life!”
“It may not be that long. We just have to wait for the sun to come up.”
“And what if that doesn’t work? What then?”
“I will find a way to get you out of that suit. I promise. For now, try and get some sleep.”

Trevor nodded and moved to a corner of the studio. A few minutes later, Henry heard him growling in his sleep. Henry had promised to free Trevor from the suit, but there was no guarantee he could. He wondered if this was some sort of punishment for what he did to Blake. Blake had deserved it though, hadn’t he? Henry didn’t see himself as an evil person, turning people into monsters just for kicks. He thought he was simply taking care of one pompous jerk. Perhaps he had been too irresponsible in using his gift like this. He decided that, if he was able to free Trevor from the werewolf suit, he would give up using his power to craft his creations. It was more trouble than it was worth at this point.

Henry sat there, staring at the wall, the decisions he had made playing over and over in his head. His eyelids began to grow heavy, and he eventually fell asleep. He awoke to sunlight streaming into the studio. For a moment, he wondered if the whole thing had been a dream, a byproduct of working too hard perhaps. Then he turned and saw Trevor sleeping in the corner, the werewolf suit still clinging to him tightly. He sat up with a start and rushed over to him.

“Trevor! Trevor, wake up! The sun is up. Let’s get you out of this thing.”

Trevor awoke, a low rumble escaping his throat. He pushed himself off the floor and stood up. Henry moved to his back and began looking for any sign that the suit had loosened up.

“Well, can you take it off or not?”
“Hang on. I’m looking.”

After a minute, Henry saw it. A small flap of skin sticking out of the fur. Henry grabbed it hard and pulled. Trevor roared in pain.

“Ah! Stop! It hurts!”
“Just hold still. I’ve almost…got…IT!”

Suddenly, the suit opened up. Sweat poured out of the opening. Trevor reached back, his hands trembling. He tugged at the shoulders of the suit and began to pull it off. The suit shifted on its own, struggling to remain on Trevor’s body. He quickly pulled his arms out of the suit, then grabbed it by the hips and tugged it down. After more struggling and grunting, he pulled it off his legs and tossed it aside. He then reached up grabbed the neck of the mask and pulled. The mask slowly began to slide up, peeling away from his face like dead skin with a wet, sticky SLOOORP! With one last tug, the mask came free, and Trevor tossed it on top of the suit.

For a moment, Trevor just stood there, eyes closed, breathing heavily. Henry held his breath. He didn’t know how Trevor was going to react now that he was free of the suit. Then, a smile appeared on Trevor’s face. He began to chuckle. Henry still stood back, unsure of what might happen next.

“That was…incredible”, Trevor said.
“Incredible?”, said Henry, finally breathing.
“Yeah! I’ve never experienced anything like that before. I’m not sure I want to again, but the experience…well, it was something else.”
“You’re not mad?”
“No. I’m just relieved that it came off. I may have panicked while I was trapped, but before that? It was fun. I felt so powerful. So alive. I’ll never forget it.”

Trevor picked up the mask, studying it.

“Were you telling the truth about how you make these suits?”
“Could you teach me how to do it?”

Henry smirked.

“I’m not sure. I’m still learning myself. You really want to learn how to do it?”
“Absolutely! It’s so amazing. Think of what we could do with these suits. I mean, beyond just b-movie slop.”
“I don’t know. I’m starting to think this might be too dangerous to mess around with.”
“Hey, you got me out of the suit, right? You must have some sort of control over these things.”
“This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with something like this though.”
“What do you mean?”

Henry sat down on the stool next to the workbench. He sighed, then told Trevor about working at the theatre, how Mr. Barrow had cheated him out of money, and how Blake had been such an asshole that he felt compelled to trap him in the monster suit. After he finished, Trevor sat quietly, unsure of how to respond.

“So yeah, you can see why I’m so hesitant to continue. As much as I enjoy it, I’m afraid of losing control.”
“I understand. Great power, great responsibility and all that stuff.”
“But you do have a gift, Henry. An extraordinary gift, and I think it would be a shame to see it go to waste. Perhaps you can continue to learn about it more, and I can learn along with you. We can do it together.”

Trevor smiled, and that’s all it took. Henry took his head in his hands and kissed him deeply. He hadn’t felt this way in a long time, and he was ready to embrace it. He stopped kissing Trevor and stared into his eyes.

“So is that a yes?” Trevor said with a chuckle.
“It’s a yes. I just hope you know what you’re getting into.”
“You mean besides that suit?”
“Shit, that’s right! We’ve got another shoot today. You better get home and take a nap or something.”
“What about you?”
“I still have to finish up this blood gag. I would have had it done last night if a certain someone hadn’t distracted me.”
“Hey, magic man. You said it yourself. I look good in that suit.”
“You do. Just don’t get too comfortable in it.”
“I’ll try.”

Trevor picked up the suit and placed it back in its box.

“Alright, I’m heading home. Need to wash the wolf off of me at least. I guess I’ll see you in a few hours. Hopefully with no wardrobe malfunctions this time.”
“Let’s hope not!”

The two shared another kiss, and then Trevor left. Henry wasn’t exactly sure what the future held, but he was at least a little more optimistic about it now. Having someone to share his creations with was exciting, and he couldn’t wait to get started again.


One response to “The Monster II, Dark Desires”

  1. Mark Hunter avatar
    Mark Hunter

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