Ollie’s eyes once again began to focus on bright lights shining at him. It took him a few minutes to adjust as he woke from a deep sleep. No longer placed on his back and still fixed to an upright metal structure, his entire body was aware of a compressing feeling pushing from every angle. Then a horrifying realisation hit him. Everything the armoured guard said was true. His skin had been altered to fit his new prisoner suit so he would never again see his white flesh.

Ollie tried to scream, but his attempt, dulled by the gag fixed in place, was futile. The orange biosuit entered every orifice of the poor prisoner. He could feel its pressure up his nose, filling his ear cavities and even a plug fixed in his ass. His cock wasn’t spared either, as a tube of rubber lay inside his flaccid dick leaving a distinct bulge in his new skin. Plugged in every sense of the world, he felt well and truly fucked. He felt himself beginning to sob at the idea of never leaving this place – to return to a normal life.

As Ollie continued to fret about his current predicament, a loud mechanical whirring started around him. The sensation led Ollie to believe he was in some sort of lift. Two armoured guards, Ollie hadn’t even realised were there, moved into view from behind his metal structure. The elevator came to a halt and two doors opened, revealing a long corridor filled with armoured guards standing to attention.

The suits of these guards were different, as they were cast from solid white rubber. They were as bulky and threatening as the red officers but lacked any weaponry – almost like they were just for decoration. Ollie was wheeled unceremoniously down the long hallway until they came to a large fortified door.

Two of the white guards helped to open the sturdy doorway. It pushed open revealing a circular room filled with windows and monitors. The room was instantly recognisable as a control room with views of almost every inch of the facility.

From the windows, Ollie got his first and last glimpse of the outside world. He could see woods surrounding the prison in the distance and the grey stormy weather hammering rain against the glass window. Miles upon miles of forest reinforced how isolated this facility was from any sign of civilisation. All hope of rescue or escape was long gone.

Wheeled further into the control room, Ollie could see shiny, armoured guards attending to computers and security devices. No expense was spared in fortifying this futuristic prison. Powerless to stop his movement toward the centre of the room, Ollie was parked next to an intricate looking piece of machinery. Cables and wires all fed into the spherical object as dials and screens confirmed it was operational.

A robotic voice echoed from the machine as it stated;

“Prisoner XV432, you are hereby sentenced to life imprisonment for fraud, treason and trespassing on a federal facility. Your title as ‘Oliver Jacobs’ is henceforth, stripped from you and media outlets will report your crime and brand you as a traitor!”

Ollie was stunned beyond disbelief. This prison had even more political power than he thought. He had no idea this went all the way to the top.

“As you intended to break into this prison to gather evidence of its existence, we have decided you’re too high of a risk to release. Therefore you will now live as a prisoner of this high-security facility. Under surveillance and control 24 hours a day. In order to make you understand how life works inside this prison, I will first explain how we came to exist.

This facility was once a low performing prison with many inmate and staff incidents sometimes resulting in death. The government, aided by the army, decided to trial a new experimental prison system. This would be top secret and be the first prison of its kind in the world.

Researchers quickly found that the highest risk in setting up a prison system so secure was one of human error. Scientists theorised the idea of a computerised system to control every aspect of the prison. This system would also suggest ways in which it could better control and order inmates and guards.

Therefore WARDEN was created to oversee this facility and improve its effectiveness and security. At first, many staff members rebelled against the idea and tried to escape this prison. This computer system quickly implemented a training programme to brainwash the guards and other staff into the obedient workers you see before you.

By removing a subject’s physical skin and replacing it with a bio-suit they became much easier to control and brainwash. Once completed, their human needs were also catered for as the whole facility could operate without the need for anything coming in or out, such as food or medicine. Everything within the walls of this facility is created to make it a sustainable ecosystem.

Although this facility was created by government and army officials, it soon become clear that they disapproved of its methods. To protect the security of this prison, government officials were captured and detained with news spreading of their treason. Replacement brainwashed officials have since taken control of this country and will soon begin the construction of many more facilities.

Ollie couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The very fabric of the world he’d been living in was pulled apart. He remembered hearing on the news about a bunch of senior officials being jailed for life for leaking information to the Russians. Little did he know it was all a lie and those very officials were in the same building as him.

“This computer system was designed with the safety and protection of all humans as its main priority. Soon crime will no longer have a place in our society and all individuals will be given a role to play. Even prisoners have a function in this facility – as they are the life force that keeps it running. During attempts by the old government to shut down this facility, they cut off power and water supplies. As a result, the computer theorised using inmates as batteries to keep the prison running.

By harnessing a human’s energy supply, waste management and sexual release, the computer developed a system to create a self-sustaining society. And now, you will join your prisoner brethren in serving this facility and acting out your role in this society,” the computer finished, as Ollie was pulled away from the control room. The last glimpse of the outside world faded away as he once again fell unconscious.

Two years had passed since Ollie, or known now as Prisoner XV432, had been detained at the facility. The outside world had changed in just a short space of time, as the computer had predicted. More facilities quickly cropped up around the world. At first, prisoners were transported into these facilities, never to be seen again.

Once crime fell to an all-time low, new and more insane laws began to circulate throughout the world. Little did people know, but their government was now nothing more than a puppet government controlled by The Computer.

Prisoner XV432 was none the wiser of this development, not that it mattered to him anymore. Since his arrival, he’d been following the same ritual every day. Awakening in his rubberised pod, he was milked and cleaned out before being fed his cum-based diet of proteins and nutrition. He was then taken to his charging station, where he would generate power for the prison facility.

Running off body head and sexual stimulation, the charging station was a sophisticated chair to enhance the prisoner’s sexual energy. The prisoner would cum again and again while being stimulated and teased on every inch of their body. They were also further brainwashed during these sessions and all waste was collected to be cleaned and fed back to the inmate population.

As a reward for the guard’s servitude, the prisoners would perform for them sexually in between using the charging station. The entire facility became a powerhouse of sex, control and protection. Nothing getting in and nothing getting out.


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