The Rubber-Coated

It was well past midnight when Nathan stirred, a flicker of discomfort broke his deep slumber. He shuffled in his bed and flipped his pillow. Nathan wasn’t the type of person to ever suffer from nightmares. His dreams were mostly mundane and boring much like his life…

  • A New Mascot

    A New Mascot


    Vrrmmmm The engine cut out as Ricky pulled up to the makeout spot. It overlooked the glistening city lights shimmering in the distance. On the outside, Ricky was your typical jock quarterback, with spiked brown hair and a toned muscular physique. He was the envy of many males at his… Read More

  • Ghost Hunter

    Ghost Hunter


    (Photo credit @ShinyCreature) Sam examined the monitor zooming in slightly to investigate the noise he’d just heard. “I think it was the dining room, check camera 12,” he instructed his partner and co-host, Tom.“All clear on camera 12,” came the response. Equipment encircled their set up in the kitchen area… Read More

  • Tightness



    Rhys couldn’t contain himself any longer. A gasp escaped from his lips, turning into a moan as he arched his back. Hands caressed his chest, his stomach, his butt, and each touch sent lightning through his body. The hands were shining and smooth. Some were black, blue, red… all coated… Read More

  • Dark Side of the Convention

    Dark Side of the Convention


    CLICK! CLICK! The camera shutter fired as Eric pressed down on the trigger. The two images blinked on his screen before he thought of a different idea. “And another one… this time try holding your weapon to the camera,” he instructed the two girls decked out in their sci-fi costumes.… Read More

  • Horny Jail (Ch. 3)

    Horny Jail (Ch. 3)

    Ollie’s eyes once again began to focus on bright lights shining at him. It took him a few minutes to adjust as he woke from a deep sleep. No longer placed on his back and still fixed to an upright metal structure, his entire body was aware of a compressing… Read More

  • A Better Way To Commute

    A Better Way To Commute


    Louis sighed. His day had been long and laborious. Counting the hours on the clock, he was exhilarated for the weekend away from his desk. He hated pointless meetings that could have been emails. Okay, his company had some poor performance issues over the past few months. But his workload… Read More

  • Folsom Berlin: ‘The Happiest Place on Earth’ 

    Folsom Berlin: ‘The Happiest Place on Earth’ 


    Thanks To If I’m asked to recall the happiest moments in my life many initial memories pop into my head. My first kiss, my graduation or even that time I came hands-free while strapped in rubber bondage… But a time which always sticks out from the rest is my time… Read More

  • Horny Jail (Ch. 2)

    Horny Jail (Ch. 2)

    It felt like a view into another world. Ollie continued through the fortified hallway void of any sign of life. The vinyl flooring shone as brightly as the glossy red armour of the guard accompanying him on his journey. His heavy boots clattered as he marched ahead as Ollie sheepishly… Read More