The Rubber-Coated

It was well past midnight when Nathan stirred, a flicker of discomfort broke his deep slumber. He shuffled in his bed and flipped his pillow. Nathan wasn’t the type of person to ever suffer from nightmares. His dreams were mostly mundane and boring much like his life…

  • Master’s Doll House (Ch. 2)

    Master’s Doll House (Ch. 2)

    Time lost all meaning as Stanley moaned in desperation. He continued to, suck and sweat in his current predicament. The video feed was constant, as erotic videos of extremely modified dolls played in front of his eyes. With no choice but to watch what he was soon to become. Often… Read More

  • Eyes Wide With Pride

    Eyes Wide With Pride


    My first kiss, first job or even my first prostate orgasm – our life is full of “firsts” and if we enjoy it (and boy did I enjoy it) then it certainly won’t be our last. One thing that surprises many of those around me is that; this year, at… Read More

  • Horny Jail

    Horny Jail


    The wiper blades swiped across the windshield as rain fell from the sky above. Each droplet landed in the cooling air, soaking the road ahead. The miserable weather summed up exactly where Ollie was heading. The tyres swooshed through the damp tarmac as he drove further and further from civilisation.… Read More

  • Danger In The Desert

    Danger In The Desert


    “Freshen your cup, honey?” the elderly waitress questioned. Her perfume was just as sickeningly sweet as the soggy slice of pie on Trevor’s plate. The coffee was unsurprisingly subpar, however, after the long drive, he was thankful for anything warm. “One for the road, I guess,” he replied politely. The… Read More

  • Surf’s Up

    Surf’s Up


    Sam dumped the full keg under the bar with a massive ‘clank’. He was still growing accustomed to the heavy lifting of his new job at the beachside bar. At least it did wonders for his physique. He wasn’t exactly jacked but the boy had plenty of definition on his… Read More

  • Gaining An Air Valve (Ch. 2)

    Gaining An Air Valve (Ch. 2)

    He started to come to, he felt like he’d just woken up from a night of drinking nothing but straight vodka. His head pulsed in pain as he blinked some life back into his eyes. Straining to see where he was, Roger noticed he was laying on a plush bed.… Read More

  • Gaining An Air Valve

    Gaining An Air Valve


    Roger got the call in about someone’s damaged pool over in Woodland Hills. It was a wealthy part of town, with many retired well off individuals and some Silicone Valley tech entrepreneurs. Roger always enjoyed getting to see how the other half lived and often got a pretty generous tip… Read More

  • The Branding Begins

    The Branding Begins

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    Photo: @GearImages The ice-cold chain forced Cody’s neck into an uncomfortable downward position. His eyes focused on the two kneeling legs jutting out from his midsection. His cuffed wrists dug into his lower back as he tried in vain to shimmy into a more comfortable position. The garage Cody currently… Read More