In Progress

  • New World 01: Dennis

    New World 01: Dennis

    Written By X5960 and Proof Read by X3199 Prologue: The world is changing. The earth’s climate has been out of control for a few years. The world’s population was living in poverty and hunger was driving people into lawlessness. A few months ago, a rich manager of a research company…

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  • Evil Eye: ‘Strapping JASON’

    Evil Eye: ‘Strapping JASON’

    A cold autumn rain was pouring down onto the empty platform of the train station. A strong wind mingling with the rain made lamp posts and display panels at the station bow to its will. This day couldn’t end better, Jake thought. Sighing he went to a shelter that was…

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  • A New Uniform

    A New Uniform

    “You can’t be serious! What do you mean….this is a new version of our enviro-suit? It looks like something you’d wear to a weird fetish weekend in a secluded ranch high up in the mountains. I’m not wearing something that flimsy. You’re expecting me to trust my life to a…

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  • The Reforming Institute (Ch. 2)

    The Reforming Institute (Ch. 2)

    (Photo credit @ShinyCreature) Louis would be unconscious during his transition to his new look. His motionless form lay steady on the gurney as its wheel creaked on the tiled floor of the laboratory. The rubber aide exasperatedly pulled the trolley closer to the devious equipment before coming to a halt next…

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  • The Reforming Institute

    The Reforming Institute

    (Photo credit @ShinyCreature) The world was once a very broken place. On the verge of chaos as crime and disorder were out of control. Rioting, looting and murder occurred daily with no signs of abating. The government, elected to protect against disarray, was a circus of corrupt officials unable to restrain…

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  • Danger In The Desert

    Danger In The Desert

    “Freshen your cup, honey?” the elderly waitress questioned. Her perfume was just as sickeningly sweet as the soggy slice of pie on Trevor’s plate. The coffee was unsurprisingly subpar, however, after the long drive, he was thankful for anything warm. “One for the road, I guess,” he replied politely. The…

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  • The Bellhop Boy

    The Bellhop Boy

    The chilled air outside rushed in through the main reception doorway at the Onyx Landscape Hotel. The bellboy, Danny, shivered as the electric doors slid closed cutting off the crisp breeze. A remote hotel in the outskirts of Illinois, the Onyx Landscape Hotel was home to an annual fetishist weekend…

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  • The Promotion

    The Promotion

    BLEEP! The card reader sounds as the security gates whoosh open. You enter the lobby and press the button for the elevator. It feels like a relatively dreary Monday morning at the office. The usual dull chatter between co-workers echoes around you. Phone in hand, you scroll through a range…

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