The Rubber-Coated

It was well past midnight when Nathan stirred, a flicker of discomfort broke his deep slumber. He shuffled in his bed and flipped his pillow. Nathan wasn’t the type of person to ever suffer from nightmares. His dreams were mostly mundane and boring much like his life…

  • Figure In The Rain (Drone)

    Figure In The Rain (Drone)

    “You are a rubber drone” This sentence is echoed again and again in my head until it almost loses all meaning to me. Then suddenly, the darkness is vigorously stripped and a blindfold is hastily removed from my head. With the piercing light I can’t make out anything but a… Read More

  • Figure In The Rain (Puppy)

    Figure In The Rain (Puppy)

    “Good puppy, obey your Master” I awoke drenched in a cold, slick sweat and panting like crazy. The room was spinning and I felt as though I had just woken from a very long slumber. I managed to focus my attention on a blurry shape in my vision. At first… Read More

  • The Bellhop Boy

    The Bellhop Boy


    The chilled air outside rushed in through the main reception doorway at the Onyx Landscape Hotel. The bellboy, Danny, shivered as the electric doors slid closed cutting off the crisp breeze. A remote hotel in the outskirts of Illinois, the Onyx Landscape Hotel was home to an annual fetishist weekend… Read More

  • Work From Home


    Oliver nervously shifted in place as he watched the countdown timer on his laptop. Combing his fingers through his hair, he began anxiously fidgeting with his tie as the clock reached 30 seconds. Oliver cleared his throat and glanced across his notes in an attempt to quickly revise. After some… Read More

  • A Spa Like No Other

    A Spa Like No Other


    The car swerved for the off-ramp as both Joel and his Sir neared their destination. There was an awkward vibe the entire trip. Sir merrily hummed with anticipation for the day ahead, while Joel sulked in disgust after being dragged out of bed so early in the morning. Joel and… Read More

  • The Promotion (Chpt 2)

    The Promotion (Chpt 2)

    You know that feeling where everything is in slow motion but also sped up at the same time. Where the whole world is crumbling around you – only instead of reacting you just sit there and watch it all happen. Well that was certainly happening right now, as you just… Read More

  • The Promotion

    The Promotion


    BLEEP! The card reader sounds as the security gates whoosh open. You enter the lobby and press the button for the elevator. It feels like a relatively dreary Monday morning at the office. The usual dull chatter between co-workers echoes around you. Phone in hand, you scroll through a range… Read More

  • The Figure In The Rain

    The Figure In The Rain


     The rain came down hard on my window screen with the constant sloshing of the wipers mixed with the hum on the engine. I had regretted even getting out of bed this morning and now I was driving home in the pouring rain on a horrible night. The roads I… Read More